By Market Value, The Top Five Corporations In The World By 2021

The world economy has been severely harmed by the COVID-19 epidemic by 2020. As a result, the market capitalization of the world's top corporations has decreased dramatically.

According to CNBC, the five companies together lost $416.63 billion in market capitalization: Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet, Amazon, and Facebook.

As of April 2021, Apple was the world's largest company, with a market capitalization of $ 2.25 trillion. The five most recognizable brands in the world are in the top five: 

  • Microsoft
  • Saudi Aramco
  • Amazon
  • Alphabet. 

In 2019, Saudi Aramco topped the list of the world’s most profitable companies, with a net income of $88.21 billion.

How are market value and market capitalization defined?

  • Market value and market capitalization are two terms that are frequently used similarly when evaluating a company's profitability and viability. Market capitalization is a firm's valuation based on the market price of its shares and the total number of shares issued by the company; several stock exchanges, such as the New York and London Stock Exchanges, publish market capitalization statistics for their registered companies.
  • Market value, on the other hand, officially refers to what a firm is valued in a much larger perspective. It is characterized by several financial and economic models that take into consideration a variety of aspects. including profitability, lending obligations, and the overall market situation.  In this sense, it seeks to evaluate the company's entire worth in relation to its share price. As a result, market value may be used to determine whether a company's shares are overvalued or undervalued.

See the 100 largest companies in the world by market capitalization in 2021 at the link